Highest paying job in the world is the most ignored... wanna take it?

Source: http://www.thedailypedia.com/2014/11/can-guess-highest-paying-job-one-wants-take/

With a monthly salary of $18,750 (around Php843,187.50), it certainly is among the highest paid jobs in the world – yet, there are currently no takers! Can you guess what highest paying job this is? Well, it’s not the one where you will go on a one-way trip to Mars – but it certainly has its similarities.
You see, the job we’re talking about is that of being the manager of the oil refinery owned and managed by the ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). Now you see why there are currently no takers!
The armed group is actually one of the richest rebels in the world, especially after taking control of rich companies such as oil fields. To date, an estimated 20 oil fields were seized and controlled by the group.
With these oil fields believed to be making as much as $3 million a day, it is no wonder that the group is very rich. However, the group’s terror approach has terrified the staff of these refineries, causing them to flee.
Without competent staff trained to man the oil fields, the income from these rich fields has dwindled. So, even though the ISIS now control several of refineries, those will be good as nothing if they won’t be getting any profit at al. Thus, they are turning to the black market to find someone to manage the oil fields.
ISIS is dangling $225,000 (around P10,118,250) a year for whoever will take the job – are you willing to do it?
Although the pay rate is super tempting, the job is going to be similar to a one-way ticket to Mars. With a war-freak group like this as your boss, who knows what they will really do? A mistake could cost your life and those of your family! It is possible that they would honor the advertised pay rate, but there is also this chance they would not – when that happens, you can’t even go to anyone for help in getting the correct wages they promised.
Whoever accepts that job listing should also be prepared for the worst case scenario. In all probability, he’d be stuck there for life. He can’t ask for a raise or go out to have fun. There’s no hope of a peaceful retirement or a quiet weekend with friends.
There’s also another requirement: that the applicant understands the ISIS cause and their ideology. You can, of course, convert to Islam but the applicant should also support ISIS cause, not just know or understand what it was.


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