Nowadays, we own a lot of things that are suppose to make our lives easier. Gadgets, devices that we spend our focus on almost the whole time in our daily lives. However, did you already asked your self if something serious happens... are we prepared? Things that we'd rather not think about but are sometimes inevitable.. A fire, a power shortage, burglary, a child disappears. Things like that. Now below are the things some of us already has but may not realized their proper use. Let us see if you are prepared for a worst case scenario. 1. FLASHLIGHT - Most of us already have one at home SOMEWHERE. It can be a great help specially on emergencies at night like a power outage for example. The problem is most of us didn't even know where its hiding and if we find it, the batteries are probably empty. WHAT TO DO: See to it that you store one or several of them in a place where you can easily remember and you also store batteries next into it. For budget conscious people, y...