5 items that can save your family's life during an emergency

Nowadays, we own a lot of things that are suppose to make our lives easier. Gadgets, devices that we spend our focus on almost the whole time in our daily lives. However, did you already asked your self if something serious happens... are we prepared? Things that we'd rather not think about but are sometimes inevitable.. A fire, a power shortage, burglary, a child disappears. Things like that. Now below are the things some of us already has but may not realized their proper use.

Let us see if you are prepared for a worst case scenario.

1.  FLASHLIGHT - Most of us already have one at home SOMEWHERE. It can be a great help specially on emergencies at night like a power outage for example. The problem is most of us didn't even know where its hiding and if we find it, the batteries are probably empty.

WHAT TO DO: See to it that you store one or several of them in a place where you can easily remember and you also store batteries next into it. For budget conscious people, you may opt out in buying rechargeable batteries or even rechargeable flashlights as well.

2. RADIO - An old school radio can actually be your only line of communication incase of a natural disaster. During this time telephone lines and internet connections are most probably down. It can and might be your only way in receiving some updates and information.
WHAT TO DO: Store a battery powered radio together with bottled water, non-perishable goods and other necessities to keep you prepared.
3. BURGLAR ALARM - This alarm is an excellent device to keep your home safe and secure. Your entire neighborhood will know if its breached. Not to mention that the security firm will call or come on the spot in some cases. Nowadays, there are a wide array of different system available. Many are less complicated to install and are less expensive than you think.
4. SMOKE DETECTOR - This type of detector should be a must in our homes. It can be installed easily and doesn't need maintenance except for an occasional battery changes. Smoke detectors have saved many lives. You think you'd wake-up incase of a fire? Chances are you won't.
WHAT TO DO: Install a smoke detector on every level of your home and don't forget to test them regularly.
5. LANDLINE - As old fashion as it seems to be since so much of us use mobile phones nowadays. But what we tend to forget is that mobile networks are much more vulnerable than landlines in for example and extreme weather. If you don't have a landline, you may be without a line of communication to the outside world and you won't be able to make emergency calls. Also be reminded that cordless phones won't work in the event of a power outage.





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